Letter to AIU
I am deeply grateful to AIU.
To studyat AIU was an important decision in my life and it was the best decision I have ever made.
Since working at my job in Austria for many years, I have learned on my own throughout the time because there is no form of education in my field. At one point I felt sorry for myself and did not have enough confidence to continue studying. I was afraid of the English Language and was also in a state of confusion.
As the steps were explained to me throughout various conversations, I found it very helpful. At the beginning I had a few problems that were developed by the Austrian system. Patience and tolerance was necessary to help me from the misery. Developing more and more confidence, I was able to understand the system of AIU which in point in time, I had made it known that I was very satisfied.
The important events to me were the conversations I had over time and sharing my problems.
I’m grateful to have learned things which interested me. In Austria this is not possible since you have to learn so many other things which you will not have any time to dedicate to topics or books that you would like to discuss.
Having this freedom was the key to my success as well as the quick evaluations of the courses.
I will forever hold in such high esteem the respectful manner in which I was treated. This fact honors AIU very much.
Considering the humanistic conversations as well as comprehending the solutions of my conflicts, I deeply express my fullest respect to AIU.
Hopefully I will be allowed to pursue the last step in my Education
Yours Sincerely
Sonja Kickmaier