I wish to express my gratitude to the administration and the staff of Atlantic International University(AIU) for the tutorial help and guidance you accorded to me from the point of enrolment as a student to the finishing end of my master’s degree program. You see, I wanted to do a master’s program but when I thought of the Universities in Uganda my country, all of them where providing masters programs on full-time basis and yet am an employee who is expected to work and get tuition for the course; so for a long time, I couldn’t join any University although I had enthusiasm to study. What’s interesting and amazing me is the freedom to design own curriculum under Andragogy method of learning. It’s quite a BIG challenge to a student but due to the commitment of the personal academic Advisors as well as the personal academic Tutors, my Curriculum Design of six relevant and appropriate(to my Whims) courses was finally made. I believe that there’s no other University in the World with this kind of freedom to their students. Besides, I was advised to develop my courses one by one and submit for evaluation at my own pace. What is crucial is time management on the student’s side. When I skipped a month without paying my tuition installment due to domestic challenges and at the same time my Laptop had a software disability, I received a phone call asking me, “Simon, do you have any problem? Please let us know. We do not see you active.” Again I felt loved and comforted by the administration.
I believe that AIU is God given University. I was able to carry on with my job duties without falling into loggerhead with my supervisors. The courses I did relative to my major, cannot be attainable from any other University at one level and be designed in a single academic transcript as AIU. For sure, my curriculum design is just a “Trap” to the employers. The knowledge, skills, attitude and values that I have acquired, have opened my world of thinking and job application in my current workplace with interpersonal relationships as a practitioner in HRM.
Let alone the above, the availability of the online virtual library resources made it easier and simpler for me to carry on with research for my course works. I believe nothing is not in the other virtual library.
Special mention goes to all my advisors and tutors assigned to academically guide me on my progress. I have nothing material to offer to you as an appreciation except my emotions from the bottom of my heart. God knows you. May He bless you with His grace; bless the entire AIU administration and bless AIU as a whole.
I beg to end here with this testimony.
Sincerely yours,
Ekwadi Simon.