AtlanticInternational UniversityAttn.:
Student Services DepartmentSubject: Experience Letter at AIUDate: 15th November, 2013Dear Sirs:I hereby present my experience at AIU as thus:“For years, my dream of a doctoraldegree was not realized due to lack of time and enough funds needed fortraditional learning. As a way of keeping hope alive with continued learning, Iresearched until I found Atlantic International University by hand ofprovidence. My resolve to continue with this global initiative was strengthenedafter careful evaluation, references, communication with the AIU admission unit andmy Tutor Ofelia. My studentship with AIU afforded cross border interactions that have improvedmy academic, social, political and ideological experiences. I initially approachedthe experience of distance learning with some caution due to negative comments onthe internet. Today, I am convinced that the academic rigors experienced at AIUare comparable to that of traditional system.By the end of my AIU program, it is no longer quality of education basedon physical assets and infrastructure, largest auditorium and student number, numberof classrooms and laboratories, capital outlay, gigantic physical libraries,government funding and international agencies grants, national or regionalaccreditation but quality based on purpose, international assimilation ofstudents, relevance of total student experience, and involvement of the student inthe developing learning process.At AIU, the student is his own curriculum designer, his experiences hisown teachers and is taking responsibility for his own career path progress as hecrosses borders in search of knowledge.My instincts and drive for practical learning now overwhelm the wallsand confinement of traditional classrooms. At AIU, barriers inherent inthe traditional learning process that inhibits the liberation of the human mind andrealization of its full potential are broken.MyAIU program has improved my view of life, extended my capacity to appreciatethe beauty of living, sharpened my perception of our common humanity, liftsstandard of reasoning, and reinforces my determination to uphold the right ofall – especially African women. I have experienced exceptional growthacademically and professionally. May God bless all my Advisors and Tutors fortheir kindness and academic guidance. Finally, I invite all who value work,experience, humanity and freedom to come learn at AIU.”Sincerely,Name: Ihesiene Ugwu ChukwuemekaStudent ID #: UD21622BPR29791