Frank Muganyizi, DBA in Finance

Frank Muganyizi, DBA in Finance

Frank Muganyizi, DBA in Finance
March 27, 2016

My gratitude first goes to the entire administration and the supervisors
of the University for their tireless assistance they extended to me while
studying at Atlantic International University.
I would like to express my
sincere thanks to the university board for the financial support and care that was
accorded to me throughout this success. Without this support I wouldn’t be what I am.

I also owe a lot of appreciation to Mr. Gordon Esses,Dr Jack Rosenzweig ,Dr Ericks
Vazquez, Kinmberly Diaz who at different
times they were giving me the right
guidance, advice and assistance concerning the best way of doing and completing
my studies. My thanks should also go to all lecturers who in one way or another
imparted professionalism into my work.

The best experience I
gained when I was studying at AIU is that I found the University
is well organized and cooperative in all matters related to success of academic
ambition of a person, hence with this good cooperation I have managed to
achieve my academic ambition too. Also the university has good reading environment
with a lot of facilities which are necessary for reading and they are easily reached. The university offers scholarship to students
who are in needy although the amount offered is relatively small especially for
those people coming from the third world. I would advise the University to
review this program, nevertheless despite of being small, they save the

The learning experience I gained
from the university will help me to overcome challenges which I was facing
before starting the study, just to mention few challenges these include:

The problem of loan disbursement by farmers who
received agriculture loans (especially when the weather doesn’t favors their
will i.e. no rains or draught) hence fail to liquidate the loan.

The treatment of the poor of the poorest
farmers who had already despaired for their lives to be recognized by the
community (marginalized)

The marketing problems for products of peasants
(seeds with high yield where introduced to farmers the results is much produce
which in turn could not fetch good price nor market).

Mechanisms for exemptions of the poor who needs

How to convince despaired poor families with nothing
to eat to accept receive a milk goat and later pay a goat to be given to his
fellow poor farmer (through revolving fund system)

How to change behavior of poor/venerable
families from traditional ways of thinking towards developmental thinking.

How to overcome the financial difficulties of
unions due to falling down of coffee price in the world market consequently
fail to pay back bank debts.

How to solve high borrowing cost as a result
paying big interest.

Taking into account the mentioned challenges,
the gained training was of great
importance to me for I have sharpen and increased my skills and knowledge as a
result I am able to tackle/solve mentioned challenges collectively
with those unstated challenges ,apart from

solving problems also the acquired education has
facilitating to improve my decision making capability in tackling various issues as I am dealing with
institutions which deals with economic up lift of standard of living of the
people hence the need a person of my caliber.

Again I shall be using gained
knowledge to solve any in coming task at my working place without delay. Besides the gained knowledge is shared among
other Co-Board members who are lacking this knowledge.

With these aforementioned
remarks, I am once again thanking the administration
and the supervisors of the University for how you have made me be the way I am
today. Do not forget I am an African, the World of today has been witnessing
Africa continent as a home of opportunities.

Atlantic International University

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