Emmanuel Abbey, Doctor of Project Management

Emmanuel Abbey, Doctor of Project Management

Emmanuel Abbey, Doctor of Project Management
April 5, 2019

Dear Sir / Madam,

I write today to express
my profound appreciation for how I was handled by Atlantic International
University (AIU).

In the first place, I
came into contact with AIU in 2009 in search for an institution where I could
translate my lifetime experience into an academic degree. Having had the
Masters degree at Andrews University in Michigan in 1980, I concentrated all my
efforts into continued ministerial service from 1980 until my retirement from
active service in December 2010. This was continuous service for 30 years
without seeking for further education. In 2005, I tried working on my doctoral
degree at the University of Ghana, Accra, but for some inexplicable reasons
that ambition fizzled out for lack of warmth in the program I wanted to pursue.

Still interested in
pursuing further education even though I was close to retirement, I was
encouraged by the saying that “education has no end”.

In 2008, I enrolled with
AIU and as my retirement date approached and I was drawn to other emerging
considerations, I suspended the educational plan for some time; then I was
retired from active ministerial service on December, 2010.

Before I settled down to
my retirement home at Asyiyie in Accra, I received a call from AIU, reminding
me of the studies that had been on hold. My answer was that I had no funds to
continue because I was then on retirement. Two more of such calls followed at
long intervals until in 2015 when I was called again.

I was so much touched how
the callers from AIU motivated me with encouragement anytime they called. I was
assured that the AIU was committed to the completion of my studies. What
followed was that I was granted 50% scholarship to enable me to continue the
course. Thus, I came on board again.

This study is online and
therefore it was impossible to meet my friendly advisors, tutors and financial
team face to face to look into their eyes and press home to them that the one they
are dealing with is an elderly person, so as to derive some respect from me and
accommodate me somehow. In the Akan language in Ghana, it is said that “Onipa
anim tese krotweamansa”, meaning literally that facing a respectful human
being is like meeting a lion face to face. Further, it means that a respectful
person always wears an honourable face. So this way, most elderly persons had
bulldozed their way through difficult and impossible situations with age on
their side in the Ghanaian society. But, this was not the case with my
encounters with the wonderful team whom I dealt with at AIU. Yes, they were
very respectful,

I could sense each time
they interacted with me that they dealt reasonably with me. Yet they were
resolute and kept to the rules without favours. Until I requested for anything
that would make my studies more accessible to me, they would always stay with the
rules. Often there were feelings and concerns that I need to complete my
studies, submit all I have to submit and on schedule. This is what led to the
successful completion of my studies by the deadline, December, 2017.

I had worked in the area
of strategic planning for 18 years in my career as the Director of Stewardship
and Strategic Planning for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ghana, but I had
nothing academic to show for it. Though I was lecturing at the Valley View
University at Oyibi in Accra with my academic degree, M. A. in Religion, I
realized that it would be prudent to possess an academic degree, PHD in Project
Management with concentration in Strategic Planning to boost my capacity in
both the academic and religious circles as an experienced strategic planner. One
other course I have handled at the University is ‘Church and Personal Finance’
with stewardship as the basis. Valley
View University is the premier private and chartered university in Ghana, also
the first among the Christian universities in Ghana.

While studying with
Atlantic International University, I was able to engage in four major
activities that had and will continue to influence society positively. There

In 2015, I
established The ABBEY FOUNDATION Ghana,
which is already giving values awards to deserving students who live according
to the core values of Valley View University – Excellence, Integrity &
Service, all seen in one person by the time the students are graduating
after 4 years’ encounter with the University. Since 2016, in 3 consecutive
years and at each graduation of the Valley View University usually in July, The
ABBEY FOUNDATION has awarded 6 final year students (a male best and a female
best for each year) and 1 Junior Staff , 7 in all, ‘The Abbey ‘EXINSE’ Values Scholarship Award’ with plaques and some
cash. ‘EXINSE’ (pronounced x-in-ze) is the acronym of EXcellence, INtegrity & SErvice.
The University selects the nominees and The Foundation provides the awards
usually funded by the primary proprietors, the Abbeys (E. O. Abbey, wife and
Children). The Values Award is a joint venture. The University has given open
recognition to this and has also presented certificates of recognition to the
award winners for winning The ABBEY FOUNDATION Values Awards. The award winners
are assured of a joint Testimonial by The ABBEY FOUNDATION and the Valley View
University duly signed by the President of the Foundation and the
Vice-Chancellor of the University to further their future careers or education.

In 2016, developed
and proposed a 50 page, 9 credit curriculum (with course content) for the
School of Theology and Missions of Valley View University to enhance the
Evangelism course offered at the University.

In 2018, I was
charged with developing a curriculum to raise the status of the Missions
Department of the School of Theology and Missions (STM) at Valley View
University, from a minor to a major Department.
This was when the Dean of the School heard that I was pursuing studies
in Project Management at AIU. That was very encouraging and a plus for

In January, 2019, I
was able to complete a new book, ‘Improving Your Personal Prayer Life’
(about 260 pages) now ready for publishing by the Advent Press in Accra, Ghana.
The book provides a weekly and monthly personal guide to a prayerful life,
consistent with living as prescribed by Jesus in Matthew 6 and 7. It has been
pre-tested in different forms and has proven to be practically potent for the

My encounter with AIU strengthens
my present aspirations and enhances my future exploits for society and church
to benefit others.

The wonderful team of
workers who handled my studies and finances contributed immensely to this
achievement that makes my life-time achievements more fulfilled. My God has
been phenomenal in leading me into the studies, during the studies, and now to
the graduation day. To Him be all the glory.

Now I have nothing more
to share than to say that when conferred with the PHD degree I Project
Management, I will be able to explore the broad and endless opportunities that
lay before me to help better the lives of those who come in contact with me,
whether at the Valley University, the Society, or the Church.

My deep appreciation go
to my wife, Hannah Vera Abbey; children, Vivian, Samuel, Henrietta and
especially Emmanuel Abbey III who encouraged and supported me immensely towards
this attainment. My larger family, the Abbey Family and my wonderful in-laws
all encouraged me so much. Finally, the teeming church friends and co-workers
some of who are retired, and those I lecture with at Valley View University who
were so encouraging. I appreciate you all.

Sincerely yours,

Emmanuel Odenkey Abbey (Pastor)

Atlantic International University

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Contact Us Today!

We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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