Ekeke Emeka Charles, Doctor of Religious Studies

Ekeke Emeka Charles, Doctor of Religious Studies

Ekeke Emeka Charles, Doctor of Religious Studies
July 7, 2013

My Experience at Atlantic International University (AIU)
There are universities and there are universities; but Atlantic International University (AIU) is one of the greatest things to happen in the sphere of education in this millenium.
My experience with AIU started as a result of my frustration with a university in Nigeria where I registered for a PhD in Religious Studies in 2010, but for the past three years I could only finish course work and the department was not willing to allow me to progress for a reason I did not know of.
I decided to look for an institution that could help me achieve my academic goals. This was when I saw Atlantic International University (AIU). After filling their forms online, I was called by my Admission officer who directed me on what do. At first, it looked as if it was not going to be a successful program especially due to it being an online program. But I later got to know that it is more challenging than the pedagogic program I have been running in the university.
When I compare my program in AIU with the one offline, I discovered that I am 99% better off because AIU allows me the choice of courses that are very relevant to my cherished field. At AIU, I was so satisfied that I had to encourage some of my friends who are preparing to register with the Institution. My phase two Advisor Prof. Franklin Valcin was indefatigable, fabulous, knowledgeable, amiable, and above all critical and very helpful. He encouraged me to be devoted and studious in my program. I wish to say thank you and God richly bless you. I also wish to thank all staff of AIU especially, my tutor, Edward Lambert, my Advisor, Linda Collazo, the Academic Department and the Finance Department.
AIU has a quality that, from my point of view, is incomparable with any other university in the world. It is a University that develops students to face the real challenges of the day. It has broadened my understanding of my field of study. I have already published three papers from my curriculum in fully referred journals in Social Sciences and Humanities. My book, a compilation of submitted assignments in AIU, has been reviewed and accepted for publication by Publish America, showing the quality of the research AIU has enabled me to accomplish. The TurnItIn program used by AIU has made me become very proactive in my university especially among my students. It has shown me that students should not plagiarize in their assignments but strive to submit original work of their own.
As a lecturer in a university, my program has helped me to teach new courses that lecturers lacked. I am now teaching three courses in church history which I could not have ventured had it not been for AIU.
I wish to sincerely thank AIU for giving my academic life a new meaning.
Thank you.
Emeka C. Ekeke

Atlantic International University

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