Bernard Ugochukwu Ukomadu, Bachelor of Education

Bernard Ugochukwu Ukomadu, Bachelor of Education

Bernard Ugochukwu Ukomadu, Bachelor of Education
December 5, 2017

It is an honor and pleasure to be part of this glorious
institute AIU. It happens to be a milestone and in a high spirit I will say
that I was and I am motivated by the structure and designing of the assignments
in aiu.

At the beginning it was a bit challenging but then my advisor
welcomed me into the reality of what I was about to face through his comments
and guidance.

I have two memorable experiences during my time with aiu
assignments. One was what my advisor was going to comment, probably taking me
back to work again on the assignment submitted or well done comment which raises my spirit higher and

Secondly, how I could be better in my assignment. At a point
I was well of, due to the reading involvement. I see that aiu exposes one into
wild range of reading in order to advance one and get them ready for the future.
I know a lot which I did not know before enrolling into aiu program. Thanks to

I cannot remember a day without opening my aiu student’s page
to check what next to do. It is a living campus on the inside so to say. I
could not have gotten it better elsewhere order than in aiu in every honesty.

I will not forget all the tutors I encountered during my course
program, they all contributed to my academic growth. It was amazing having and
reaching them when needful.

In short, I am glad to say that I passed through very

As regards to the worth of experience; I do have
opportunities during my assignment to learn the way is best for me.

Secondly, I feel confident to ask question to my advisor and
I have clear understanding of my role as a learner also I feel I am in control
of my learning.

Thirdly, my personal interest have been incorporated into the
curriculum. most Importantly, I feel my views and opinion about learning have
taken into account.

The learning experience I am involved in are varied, I feel
my tutors respect me as an individual, I feel the learning I encountered at aiu
are relevant to real life.

I believe my tutors want me to succeed, the learning
experience I am involved in are challenging yet achievable.

Finally, I am able to complete tasks at my own pace and I
have a clear understanding of what I need to achieve in order to succeed in

In conclusion, i should say , my expectations are positive.


Aiu student.

Atlantic International University

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