Bernard Agyemang – Duah, Master of Business Administration

Bernard Agyemang – Duah, Master of Business Administration

Bernard Agyemang – Duah, Master of Business Administration
September 9, 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,


I am very grateful to
have such a privilege to express the experiences I have had during my course of
studying at the Atlantic International University (AIU). Having a degree at AIU
is very interesting, educative, practical and professional. The various
experiences I had during my academic work at AIU could be detailed below.

Firstly, the most
important thing I did immediately I was enrolled as a student of AIU was to
take my time and read thoroughly the Master’s Handbook. This helped me to
understand the details of the programme and also guided me on how I could
embark on the programme in order to come out successfully.

Secondly, I visited
the website of AIU to learn and understand the procedures and processes
involved in downloading and uploading course assignments in addition to how
best I could communicate with my tutors, advisors and AIU as a whole.

Thirdly, I decided to
go according to the course scheduled in order to complete the programme as
expected and if possible start my DBA immediately. To be able to achieve my
goals at AIU, I had to be self-discipline, time conscious and well focused on
my studies to the achievement of my future goals. Based on that I had to
sacrifice some of my sleeping hours and leisure times and use them for my
research studies and assignments preparations to be sent to my Tutor on time
for evaluation. I tried to be vigilant in the preparation and submission of my
assignments in order to get good grades.

Fourthly, all
assignments could be verified through the student section on turnitin before
submission. This is very interesting and helpful as students had the chance to
verify their own assignments before sending it to the Tutor.

Moreover, the
experience I had so far has helped me to execute a lot of positive things
through my academic and professional works. I had also learnt many things
worldwide and factored them into the development of my country. Besides, I had
studied the international cultural relationships in comparison to the
development of my country.

Furthermore, the
availability of the AIU Virtual online library together with other advantages
provided by the use of the internet gingered me to make a thorough research and
impacted the output of my research into my assignments.

Finally, the andragogic
method of learning adopted by AIU is very educative. I had to read widely using
all facilities available at my disposal to be able to get the demands of my
assignments. Learning procedures at AIU is extremely friendly and managed
throughout the curriculum design and submission of set assignments. The
andragogic method of learning at AIU exhibits greatly the students’ experience
and expertise. Not only that but also exposed the inhibit qualities of
students. The learning procedures existing at AIU mandates students to be self
discipline, well focused, serious and result oriented. Lazy students at AIU
would find it extremely difficult to achieve their objectives.

Despite the above, I
also suffered a lot during the programme. I was hospitalized for not less than
seven months and this affected me greatly for not completing the programme as I
set for myself. Besides, my admission at the hospital affected my payment of
tuition fee as scheduled. Besides, the transfer system available in my country
sometimes delayed a lot for the payment of my tuition fee I had suffered a lot
of raising money to pay for my outstanding fees even though I completed all my
academic works in 2012 but I wa able to pay my outstanding fees in 2020 and
this affected me a lot for not getting my certificate early.

Even though for a
couple of months I could not send assignments yet the Tutors were still concerned
of me and assisted me so much so that I managed to continue and completed my
programme with success.

I am of great
gratitude to the entire staff of AIU for giving me such a chance to enrich my
knowledge in order to contribute positively towards the development of myself,
family, country and the world as a whole. Things were not easy but with
determination coupled with discipline and encouragement from Tutors I have been
able to sail through this voyage with success.

I am most grateful to you
all for your assistance to me throughout my course of studying. Thank you.

With regards from,

Bernard Agyemang –

Atlantic International University

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We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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