Dear AIU Student-
You live in a world that sometimes is always the same.
However- you can be Asynchronous. You can freedom to use your time in a unique way. You do not have to as the world would like you to be… Conforming to society.
The world is on a course to extreme climate change and does not seem capable of changing its way to prevent climate catastrophes. Thus- people need to break from the path of the world and lead society toward a better and different way.
This is being Asynchronous. As such you live in a way to cultivate a better world.
In this course- you will explore the UN’s goal for Climate Change. How can you live in order to prevent extreme climate change for the next generations?
How can we teach the next generation to prevent extreme climate change?
Course Name:
UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 13
Climate Action Due date of assignment:
Within 4 days of receiving course.
Description of Course:
This course will focus on the UN’s 13th Sustainable Development Goal- which is “Climate Action” globally by 2030.
These courses on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are important to understand the most important issues of our lifetime and to form a plan for solving them in our communities.
You will study the following video and answer the questions given below.
Study Materials:
Video: 2030- SDG 13- Climate Action- Ted talks
Click here to watch video:
Answer these questions: (5 to 8 paragraphs for each question)
1. Why is the UN’s goal of taking responsible action for Climate Change important- in your opinion?
2. How is the state of Climate Action in the world?
3. What changes need to happen to achieve Responsible Action for Climate Change?
4. Do you think it is possible to achieve Responsible Actions for Climate Change? Why or Why not?
5. How can education lead to a world with Responsible Actions for Climate Change?
6. How can education improve in your community so that the next generation has the tools and mindset to take responsible Actions for Climate Change?
Click here for information on Completing and Submitting Essay Assignments: