Process Analysis

Process Analysis

February 8, 2015
Assignment: Develop a 5-10 page essay based on the guidelines below.  Be sure to use MyAIU and its elements to compliment the article. Once you have your assignment ready- please submit it your student section or evaluation– and create a course named Process Analysis.

Bibliography (include at end of essay):

This AIU assignment uses the book- Real Essays with Readings. The link to the book is given above. This book teaches how to write essays. You will read different parts of the book to understand how an essay is written. Then you will write a certain kind of essay. The kind of essay that this assignment asks for is the Process Analysis essay.

First- read the following pages:
  • Chapter 1- pages 1 – 21. (Basics of writing & organizing your schedule)
  • Chapter 2- pages 36 – 41. (Moving from reading to writing)
  • Chapter 3- pages 48 – 52. (Understanding the structure of paragraphs & essays)
  • Chapter 4- pages 62 – 73. (Developing your topic & pre-writing techniques)
  • Chapter 8- 110 – 124. (Writing a draft)
  • Chapter 21- 369 – 374. (List of works cited at the end of your essay- bibliography formats.)
Then you will read Chapter 13 on the essay of Process Analysis. Then you will write the essay using the knowledge covered in the above readings. You can certainly read more chapters of the book. The book is a great reference for essay writing.

A Process Analysis essay describes how something happens. For example- the essay might explain how a specific meal is prepared- or how a flat tire on a car is fixed. But you will explain something more complex related to your major.

For example- if your major is Finance- you could describe the procedure of how to invest in bonds & stocks.

If your major is Psychology- you could describe the protocol of counseling from the initial therapy session to the last session.

If your major is Environment Science- you could describe how air becomes polluted.

Each Process is described and analyzed in the essay.

Of course- your essay will have a cover page- an introduction- and a conclusion. These are covered in the Chapter 8 reading. Remember also that essays are double-spaced for AIU.

You will also prepare a proper bibliography at the end of your essay. The reading from Chapter 21 shows how to do bibliography for many different types of sources. Make sure that you include an internet source in your bibliography (see page 372) Also include a bibliography entry for an interview- which could be even a conversation with another person. An interview entry is easy as you will see on page 374. (There are examples of correct bibliography on page 379.)

So read the pages noted above. Then choose a process related to your major. Then develop the essay to describe and analyze that process. Follow the Four Basics of Good Process Analysis on page 202. Use some common transitions on page 205. Then use the Writing Guide on pages 216 – 217 to help you. Check off the boxes as you complete each step of the essay.

The best general topic for this type of essay is… How to Write an Essay. This assignment teaches you how to write an essay. Once you learn the process of writing an essay- essays become easy and fast. That is the goal of this assignment.

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