Poems written by our graduate in appreciation of medical staff and services

Poems written by our graduate in appreciation of medical staff and services

April 14, 2020


We want to thank our graduate for sharing 2 of his poems that he recently wrote. He wrote a poem titled- “Happy Hopeful Easter” and another titled- “Lifeline Support Services”. You can read both of his poems below:


Happy Hopeful Easter


May Hope spring bright

Have faith and see the light

Though God has given a sign

And Nature brought us all in line

Righting the wrongs done

But now it’s no more fun

As the world’s in lockdown

Going out even to town

Risks getting infected for real

It’s Mother Earth’s rehearsal

Man must change his ways

Celebrate with all creatures

Big and small- strong and weak

For God’s love and forgiveness seek

Spend some time in self-reflection

Staying home for us and our nation

May this be a special Easter for all

Be safe to reduce the death toll!


Lifeline Support Services


They have been called

Our frontline officers

In the fight against C19

Really that is not to mean

Immunity from the virus

Being so brave and bold!

We are all been told

To keep the distance

Lest being put into quarantine.

Our medical services are seen

As frontline support officers

That’s what we have been told

In reality they are not meant to fold

In case C19 gets even more serious

Then let’s call them our backline

Be frontline to fight on rain or shine

Following the Law and routines

To rid the virus from the world!

Medical services- precious as gold- 

Give a glimmer of hope to us

To always make sure we are fine

To give us hope to be on cloud nine

So life can carry on as usual always

Free from C19’s grip and hold!


Written in appreciation of our medical staff and services- and for all who are homebound during this pandemic crisis! C19’s not a joke!


– Siva Mahendran


Dr. Siva has completed a Doctorate program in Education at Atlantic International University.

We wish you the best in all your future projects and congratulate you on your achievements!

We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
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