Congratulations to Norbert Edomah for his recent achievement.
He has written a paper on “Economic Implications of Poor Power Quality” and International Publication in the Journal of Energy and Power Engineering (JEPE) published by David Publishing in the USA.
In his document he writes:
“Poor power quality is really becoming an increasing phenomenon. Studies revealed that most companies– particularly multinationals in Nigeria– do not pay enough attention to the effects of poor power quality on their plant and equipment- and let the economic implications alone. The result is high production and maintenance cost.
…..This paper focuses on the need for continuous monitoring and management of poor power quality disturbance parameters and the cost for economic implications of no addressing power quality issues”
You can read more about his work through the following link:
Norbert completed a Maters program in Information Systems. We are very proud of his achievements and we wish him the best in all of his future projects.