The Faculty of Humanities and the School of Arts- invite you to take part of his book release which will be held on October 30th– 2013 at 6:00 pm in the Orientation Hall of the Pedro Mir Library in the Dominican Republic.
Gerardo wrote his book on “Linguistica Comologica; Una introduccion a los estudios complejos del lenguaje”.
The object of study of cosmological linguistics is constituted by the universe or cosmos- understood as a discourse- which can be studied in the form of text or sequence of them. In twelve chapters- Gerardo offers- also- the ideological foundations necessary to facilitate the learning of reading and academic writing- from the university classroom- conceiving a commitment to even pretend to be assumed as an institutional problem.
Gerardo completed a Doctorate program in Hispanic Linguistics at AIU. We are very proud of his achievements- and we hope that he continues with this success.
Congratulations once again in behalf of your University- AIU.