Itamar along with a group of his students wrote a book titled “The Stupidity of Organizations” based on the Organizational Development course- of which he wrote the prologue.
The following is a small excerpt of the book and his prologue:
“The human organizations are capable of achieving the greatest accomplishments but also the highest dimension of stupidity. This is how The Stupidity of Organizations- a book crosscurrent- provocateur and more necessary than ever. Forcefully exposes what few dare to say- and facilitates simple keys to combat stupidity. Proposes calmness rather than rush- honesty instead of convenience– simplicity rather than complexity. Above all- proposes responsibility rather than justification. Seven proverbs summarize the content of the book. Integrating awareness means that one has accepted the challenge of creating an alternative future”.
“We are on the threshold of the transformation of organizations and creating a new way of thinking- we feel and act. This book is an invitation to take hold of your rights and your responsibility.”
The Spanish Association of Directors of People- AEDIPE- are sponsoring this course and will be considering the ability to edit a special issue to give this book to all of his associates.
Itamar is the Director of the GR Institute of Organizational Development of Israel.