Book published by EDICION, the Professional Council Editorial of Economic Sciences

Book published by EDICION, the Professional Council Editorial of Economic Sciences

August 17, 2020


Congratulations to Alberto Levy and Maria
Florencia Terreno for this great achievement. Alberto and Maria, with the
participation of Dr. Itamar Rogovsky, have published a book entitled “The
Myth of Leadership
“. The book was published by EDICION, the Editorial
of the Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the Autonomous City of
Buenos Aires, and academically sponsored by AIU. You can read a summary of your
published book below:


Our work in companies of all levels of development in almost all economic
sectors of Latin America is to help them implement their strategies. And the
key is that without leaders there is no implementation and that there are no
leaders without strategy to achieve. Leaders are those who embody the Vision.
Integrating. Involving. Compromising. Setting an example as role models to
imitate to achieve a common dream.

Despite the tremendous number of books,
articles, videos, films and even plays that have been made on leadership around
the world for centuries, the measured result in the creation of leaders is
regrettable. It didn’t happen. Failure has been catastrophic. The target has
not been achieved. To top it all off, management continues to be confused with

Probably because of an irresponsible
reductionist, mediocre and superficial trivialization of such a matter relevant
to humans and to humanity that integrates, leadership seems to no longer
“mean”. Which is “pure smoke”. One more verse (with all due
respect to poets). but for us it is the key to Strategic-Operational Dynamics.

A lot of people have approached it with their
best intention. With the will to contribute. Others have
“appropriate” it as a good business opportunity. Several have banned
it, lowered it, bullished. And to think that hundreds of human beings have lived
their lives exemplifying leadership. and to think that hundreds of human beings
have lost their lives by exemplifying leadership.

Avi and Flor in this book try to regain the
significance of this subject and return it to the place from which it should never
have collapsed.
The proposal is to take the issue seriously.


You can find more information
about the book via the following link:



We wish you all the best in all
your future projects and congratulate you on your achievements!

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