An article by our very own academic advisor, Dr. Rosa Hilda Lora M.

An article by our very own academic advisor, Dr. Rosa Hilda Lora M.

March 8, 2015


Dra Rosa Hilda Lora M.

Atlantic International University


The empirical concept we have of Education is people who have good manners or people with studies. From this we can infer there is an education that provides the society, it is called informal education, and another education where we have to go to a school,  that is formal education.

Education in a school means that there is an organization for it and it has a norm that we receive everything we have to do already programmed.

What we have experienced is that everything that is organized in the school or college we attend, there are subjects that we do not like and wonder why do we need them, what will I do from learning them.

The organization that each school or college has follows a Curriculum. What is that, a Curriculum; it sounds like CV or Curriculum of life, and often we tell people send your Curriulum but they send their resume and work experience.

So what is a Curriculum? Let’s see, what those working in these documents say are: “We define the Curriculum as a plan that norms and leads a specific process for specific teaching and learning that takes place in an educational institution.” Arnaz (2009, p. 9).

If the Curriculum leads a process then we have to see what goes into the process input. The process has a concept of university, a concept of science, a concept of human being and a concept of society with its production form. According to the above to develop a curriculum much research in each of these areas is needed and that is the reason so many people work on it on fixed-term.

The Curriculum of AIU (Atlantic International University) comprises:

 Mission: “To be a higher learning institution committed to the generation of cultural development alternatives that are sustainable to give the world and the environment a more efficient management; exercising human and community rights through diversity with the ultimate goal of achieving satisfaction and global evolution. Home of AIU.

Vision: “The strengthening of the individual to achieve world convergence through sustainable educational design based on Andragogy and Omniology”. Home of AIU.

Organizational structure: It is the way teaching and administration are integrated.

School structure: comprising the system in terms of degrees and accreditation. The Descriptive Letters are exclusive to students, since being an international university each student can be a full person in their home and in the global society.

I can see from the above that when I am admitted to college I accept everything that was determined in each of these areas. Miracle! There is a university that tells me: you can do within the elements that make up your own Curriculum your own Descriptive Charter, which is the subjects program you want to study. When they say that, it seems the world falls on me and I go: and, how will I do such a document, I need to be contacted, why do they not give it to me as in other universities; I am a teacher but they give me my programs ready-made; My God! who asked me to enroll in this university?

To make your own Descriptive Charter it is the greatest gift you can receive because you can build the project of your life. What have I to do? Find out what development projects has my country because they are what I am going to be working, see what international development projects are, find out what is the knowledge society because this is how we learn now, seek information about transdiscipline, have a project about what I want to be as a person, have information on what needs we have as a global society originated from values. With all these tools find the format the above is presented. The format tells me I need to put some goals, objectives of anything is what I intend to achieve. The description is what will I encompass: that’s the breakdown for each subject and means item by item how far it will go; activities mean what will I do to learn the subject with their subsections: I’ll do a essay, I’ll do a multiple choice set, I will build a project to solve this or that, with a likely extension of…; sources means, shall it be in books, magazines, shall I go to a company, to a lab? And finally, the bibliography, which is to detail each document or item identifying them perfectly to current science standards.

I get the great opportunity of my life, to build what I now want to be, and given as I have grown I do not realize this is the greatest gift: I have my passport to be what I consider better as a professional, as individual and as a member of society that is my country and the global village that is the world in which we live today: can I have an activity where I live or across borders, given the communication society, besides managing the platform and doing my homework using the Virtual Library of AIU allow me to advance in the digitized world which I am part of it whether I like it or not.

I have to bless the good decision I made and devote myself to study, to build the new person I will be.

Happiness is not given away; we win it and here I go.





Arnaz, J. (2009). La planeación Curricular. México: Trillas.

Pansza, M. (2005). Pedagogía y Currículo. México: Gernika.



We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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