We would like to congratulate our graduate Tadele Fayso for his accomplishments. Tadele has published his article titled- “Understanding Adoption in Smallholder Agriculture: Perception & Row Planting Teff in Ethiopia” on the Juniper Publishers Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal (ARTOAJ). You can read a part of the Abstract of his article below:
Technology adoption is a complex and a dynamic process that is determined by many factors such as perceived characteristics of the technologies- farmer circumstances and conditions. This study aims to understand farmers’ perception of teff row planting practice and adoption of the practice in four regions of Ethiopia. Quantitative cross-sectional design was used for the study and Teff growing farmers from 6 districts of Amhara- Oromia- SNNP and Tigray regions of Ethiopia were participated in the study.
You can read the rest of the article on the following link:
Tadele has also been elected to serve as executive Board member and head of editorial board for Ethiopian Evaluation Association. And has been promoted to serve as Director of Monitoring- Evaluation- Research and Learning for Digital Green Foundation.
Tadele Fayso has completed a Doctorate program in Sociology at Atlantic International University.
We wish you the best on all your future projects and we congratulate you for all of your achievements!