Pack your bags and let’s go to Mars!
This week- Tesla’s CEO made news again with his plans of creating life on Mars. This is his vision- his innovation- his dream. He did express that people would die in the process- but all would be volunteers.
Would you die for someone else’s vision?
Would you invest your time in someone else’s vision?
Would you do the same for your own vision?
The idea of life on Mars sounds farfetched but is closer than ever because Musk is willing to invest. People are willing to invest with him. Not just money- but their time and ultimately their lives to form part of his vision.
Which leads to several questions:
- What is your ‘Mars’- what is that vision you want to explore?
- What would you invest for your ‘Mars’?
- What type of investments would you need from others?
- How will you get people on board for your vision?
- How would you benefit from materializing this vision?
Draft up your plan of your vision; no vision is too big. Afterall- you are living in times where life on Mars is a possibility. Submit a well thought out plan via your student section to begin visualizing.
Break your paradigms of fear- of limitation- of conformity- and dream big!