Distance Learning and Online Courses

Distance Learning and Online Courses

Distance Learning & Online Courses

At AIU courses are intended to achieve a concrete goal and allow the student to directly apply what is learned to solve real world problems. Your courses will require some theoretical learning like most university courses, but a key component of your grade will be determined by how you demonstrate the application of that knowledge into a practical real world setting.

Project-based Courses with Practical Real World Applications

By moving away from a memorization and theoretical approach to courses, the university aims to improve student engagement, knowledge retention and more importantly foster a mindset of responsibility in its students. Students will be challenged and motivated to find sustainable solutions to problems and demonstrate how they can contribute directly to resolving them. Targets can include their communities, place of work, projects, entrepreneurial endeavors and/or the seventeen UNESCO sustainable development goals. Merlin Media Center as well as Webinars and Conference Symposiums are a platform to elevate the achievements students have attained in their courses and program as well as a forum to share knowledge, foster networking and collaborate within AIU and worldwide.

Benefits of Learning Online

Commit to being the change you want to be in the world, and obtain through one of the best online courses a unique degree that will help you to change the world!

Among others, distance university courses allows you to continue with your current life dynamics, but at the same time you have the world at your feet, having the opportunity to choose the best study plan for you.

You don’t have to settle for a limited syllabus offered near your home or relocate, because when you decide to take online college courses, you can find a study plan that suits you and help you to achieve your goals.

When considering the offer, you should pay close attention to enrolling in accredited online college courses. We know that opting for university courses at home is a very serious decision. At AIU we offer you the best online university courses.

At AIU we Pledge for a better world

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The result of commitment

Many of our former students have led important changes in their home countries, achieving great social, political, and economic advances.
That’s why at AIU we are proud to be pioneers in universities that offer online courses for a world that is evolving.

At AIU we are committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2030—proposed by the United Nations, these goals are a point of reference for us to add our talent and evolution in our daily lives to achieve them. That’s why we boost our students to pursue amazing goals oriented to work 
for a better world.

Find in our offer the online study plan 
that best suits your needs

Browse Online Courses By Subject

Business Communication (Open)
Business Ethics (Open)
Business Policy and Strategy (Open)
Business Statistics (Open)
Consuming Cultures (Open)
Cost Accounting (Open)
Credit Management (Open)
Economic Analysis (Open)
Essentials Of Finance (Open)
Economics of Health Care
Electronic Commerce (Open)
Financial Management (Open)
Human Resource Management (Open)
International Management (Open)
International Marketing (Open)
Introduction to Accounting (Open)
Introduction to Marketing (Open)
Microeconomics (Open)
Investment Management (Open)
Managing Costumer Service (Open)
Political Marketing (Open)
Principles of Accounting (Open)
Principles of Management (Open)
Psychology (Open)
Public Sector Marketing (Open)
Quantitative Methods (Open)
Retail Management (Open)
Sociology and Organizations (Open)

Artificial Intelligence (Open)
Biology (Open)
Cell Matrix Mechanics (Open)
Circuits and Electronics (Open)
College Algebra (Open)
Electronic Commerce (Open)
Engineering Mechanics (Open)
Fundamentals of Math (Open)
Physics Classical Mechanics (Open)
Quantitative Methods (Open)
Statistics (Open)
Sustainable Energy (Open)
Thermodynamics of Materials (Open)

Anthropology of the Middle East (Open)
Consuming Cultures (Open)
Chinese Language (Open)
Economic Analysis (Open)
English: Intermediate Listening Speaking and Pronunciation (Open)
History: Trial in History (Open)
Law and Society (Open)
Political Marketing (Open)
Problems of Philosophy (Open)
Quantitative Methods (Open)
Sociology (Open)
Sociology and Organizations (Open)
Statistics (Open)
Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy (Open)

Free Online Courses and the AIU Open Access initiative

Sharing knowledge is a vital component in the growth and advancement of our society in a sustainable and responsible way.

At AIU we are committed to offering the best online classes for adults, with that objective in mind, we offer a wide range of open learning free online courses through our “Open Access” Initiative with academic work, select courses, scientific research, projects, and other scholarly work by students, faculty, and other contributors seeking increased access to Higher Education by making learning materials and research Publicly Accessible.

All courses on this page are free and open to the public without any requirements for registration or payment. These online courses are intended to be easily taken independently, without supervision or guidance at a pace defined by the user.

Each open course includes all necessary video conferences, lectures, course materials, and even tests. Tests are offered as a tool for the user at the end of each lesson to verify that learning, retention, and comprehension of the material presented have occurred. However, the tests are optional and the full online course content and lessons are available at once to users.

How Are Online Courses at AIU?

After you complete your Phase 1 Orientation courses, Phase 2 will become accessible through the Virtual Campus portal. Your courses are defined and selected during the start of Phase 2.

The Curriculum Design Module guides you through the process of selecting and designing your courses and curriculum to be unique and personalized. The Curriculum design is a fluid, ongoing process at AIU that involves feedback and approval by the academic department and your advisor. As you progress through your program you may discover that the curriculum needs some additions, deletions, or substitutions to better facilitate the mastery of skills and abilities you will need to reach your optimal personal and professional development. This is perfectly normal and a key aspect of your unique AIU academic journey.

Curriculum Builder Tool and Open Curriculum Design

Are you ready for Distance Learning and Online Education?

It is common knowledge that a college degree will improve your marketability and earning potential. So why do many students fail to finish college or stop at the bachelors level? The answer is: time, distance, money.

The distance learning programs at AIU address these obstacles directly with self-paced, online and affordable degree programs for adult students. A university degree can boost earning power by up to $2.3 million over a lifetime. Qualified people are passed over for job opportunities and promotions, simply because they don’t have a college degree.

Don’t put your future on hold any longer; invest in your future today!

Earning your degree online or via distance learning with AIU is extremely enticing:

  • Work on assignments when convenient for you
  • Study at home or office
  • Access learning resources online any time you need them
  • Determine the courses that are most relevant to you
  • Earn credit for work experience gained through lifelong learning

But earning a degree via distance learning is not right for everyone. There is the mistaken belief or myth that online distance learning programs are easier than traditional courses. The hard reality is that the dropout rate for higher education online programs is typically 20 percent higher than it is for traditionally delivered programs. Some challenges online distance learning students face revolves around discipline, organization, and independence.

In a traditional setting you would meet with a professor or attend a classroom, this forces you to get your work and readings done. Since AIU programs are self-paced, students need to have the discipline to push them-selves and impose deadlines to guarantee progress is made on their assignments. AIU students enjoy a greater freedom in the content of their assignments, which in turn requires a greater degree of organization. Due to the nature of distance learning, students will need to be comfortable reading material on their own and working on exercises independently.

To assist students and increase graduation rate AIU provides each student with access to their Online
Student Section.

The Online Student Section allows students to:

  • Access Instructions and formats for orientation courses
  • Keep a calendar of assignments with planned completion dates
  • Upload/Post assignments
  • Review Grades/Transcripts
  • Post Questions or Messages with Student Services and/or your advisor
  • Start the first phase of the program to establish the program curriculum
  • Access the AIU Online Library

At AIU you will actually build your own curriculum from courses that are appropriate for your personal and professional goals. Your advisor will make sure that your curriculum is appropriate for your field and complies with the generally accepted norms. Your first task is to select your appropriate courses and to learn about the profession that you want to study in.

Next, you may want to do a search online for your program and look at a few curriculums. You will soon learn that many of the courses offered at different institutions are similar, if not identical. Your job will be to select the required number of courses within your field and a research topic for your Dissertation. The number of courses will depend on your experience, transfer credits and professional goals. After your curriculum is set and your courses selected, you will proceed to work on your courses. Initially, we do not provide the student with a list of courses to choose from because the University wants you to compare other programs, both domestic and international.

In the event that you need assistance in designing your curriculum, one can be presented to you based on your particular situation and career goals. However, it is encouraged that you take the time to explore other programs to be more aware of what is available.

There are many questions students should ask before deciding to enroll in AIU’s distance learning program(s). Prospective online students need to determine their level of readiness for independent study before they enter the classroom. Specific areas of weakness and strength may then be easily addressed and academic success assured.

What is the difference between AIU students and students at traditional universities?

Atlantic International University programs are oriented toward the mid-career adult and working professional. Conversely, classroom universities are attracting the 18 to 21-year olds whose life goals and ambitions have yet to be established. This is true especially at the undergraduate level. AIU does no compete with such traditional schools. AIU students know who they are, know exactly what they want to do and are interested in a challenging and rewarding educational experience. For this reason, they are often more motivated than students at traditional universities. In addition, AIU students gain significant advantages from their professional experience. Not only are they able to draw from the knowledge they have developed throughout their career thus far, but they may apply earned credit for what they have already learned toward their program.

AIU Success Stories


Albert Einstein

Intellectual growth must begin at birth and cease only at death.

Mahatma Gandhi

There are two days in the year that we can't do anything, yesterday and tomorrow
Everything we know about Elon Musk's brain chip

Elon Musk

Traditional schools are useless because they do not teach how to solve problems and focus only on teaching about the tools necessary to solve a problem.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Cicero Roman

Advice is judged by results, not by intentions


Being does not mean accepting what one is, it means creating another self that does not exist


Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in getting up every time we do

Contact Us Today!

We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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