Osward Sinyangu, Master of Mechanical Engineering

Osward Sinyangu, Master of Mechanical Engineering

Osward Sinyangu, Master of Mechanical Engineering
October 27, 2022

My journey at Atlantic International University has been a life changing opportunity in my life. This is of course due to organization’s flexibility in delivering education to individuals who have to balance their academic and professional life. I must mention that this is the second time I’m graduating from Atlantic International University, the first one being a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering in 2011.As a consulting engineer who has worked without having specific academic qualification in the field of mechanical engineering, the inferiority complex has always hampered my personal progress as I could not use the credentials to stand on my own to be part of bigger projects which require higher academic qualifications. As such, the joy of having acquired this master’s degree could not have come at the better time than this. The most interesting part of Atlantic International University is that the student is given an opportunity to choose the courses that best suits their interest and according to the work, community and region and as such students don’t study courses which are irrelevant to their line of duty, but courses are tailored to suit one’s future actual application. I must confess that this is one of the most difficult part as this has to be internationally accepted or rather standardized. Nevertheless, the tutors and entire AIU staff are always composed and equal to task to make sure one achieves this stage.I’m now confident that my ultimate career path has been achieved and that is continuation in mechanical engineering consulting which I have been doing or rather practicing for the past thirteen years. All this, I give gratitude to Atlantic International University for making it possible for me to acquire my degree. I will be the ambassador of this flexible university to encourage my fellow countrymen and women to pursue their studies at Atlantic International University and acquire their much needed upgrade to their credentials for the purpose of promotions at place of work and/or personal academic accomplishment. Finally I give thanks to Almighty God for this success. Thanks be to my wife and children for the support, other family members for the encouragements and not forgetting my tutors, counselor and advisor as well as entire Atlantic International University staff that helped me through the journey. Not forgetting Dr. Malama, lecturer – University of Zambia and Dr. Saili (former university of Zambia resident engineer) who studied at Atlantic International University and helped me carefully select the courses which would suit my country academic alignment. God bless you all.Yours Sincerely Osward Sinyangu

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