Ndi Thomas Njue, Masters in Civil Engineering

Ndi Thomas Njue, Masters in Civil Engineering

Ndi Thomas Njue, Masters in Civil Engineering
August 19, 2012

I express my deepest gratitude to AIU’s staff for allowing me to portray my feelings after these two years of relaxed academic growth. I called it relax because enough time was allocated even though I still could not respect the schedule for submission of assignments. Lots of people around me especially my colleagues discouraged me when I started this course. Some of these colleagues and friends have attempted similar courses in different foreign universities and fail due to lack of enough time to study after work.

The course was difficult on my side due to little or no time as most of my time was spent doing other things for the company I am serving right now. I was constantly being displaced and cut from internet communication network by my managing director, sometimes without a computer. I later on discovered that this arrangement was done by my senior colleagues whom jealously wanted to discard my studies. I enrolled for an MSc. In civil engineering both for professional and academics stability. I bet you that the challenges that engulfed me for the past two years made me more stable like a composite pillar in a mild environment aimed to resist all actions in a severe environment. AIU made me develop research stamina that I am fully sure to operate in any geographical location on earth. Studying without the lecturer in front of you, some people minimize in my Country but little did they know that studying online in the 21st century with an institute like AIU is more than sitting in a classroom in front of a lecturer. I appreciate that because the course has made me develop love for my computer and by so doing I spend very little time to do lots of things. You and I are quite aware that the knowledge of computer has evolved greatly and there are numerous softwares capable of doing anything depending on the type of data you input. This advanced knowledge of software which is partly the driving force of my career, also assisted me in my courses. What I mean is that using some computer software in my course elevated my status from junior designer to advanced designer. This is one of the greatest experiences I got from AIU. Civil engineering is a very vast domain that one cannot assimilate all its applications or memorize them, but one can be fully informed where to get proper information and satisfy the needs. I thick AIU so far builds students to equip their library with all sorts of documents to combat professional challenges anytime anywhere. Some people might think that accreditations with an empty head can harvest money or wealth, but there is something I usually tell my friends which is to be self accredited. Self accreditation for me means that you should merit the degree and be up to the task. It is very disappointing for someone with a recognized degree who cannot execute any task put before him. Yes, AIU does not offer accredited degrees, but I am self accredited which for me is my greatest desire and weapon. One of the major experiences I have also gotten from AIU is to know how to read somebody’s mind like an architect. A good architect should be able to read his clients’ mind and transform what he has on his mind into a design that satisfies his desire.

In a nutshell I will say that charity begins at home meaning that I am going to start portraying myself accreditation to meet up physical challenges in my country, after which I shall go in for registration as a recognized registered civil engineer and even seek for foreign accreditation.

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