Rita Shililifa, Masters in Public Health

Rita Shililifa, Masters in Public Health

Rita Shililifa, Masters in Public Health
April 5, 2015

The knowledge I assimilated through Atlantic International University cannot be overemphasized. I could not believe that I am rounding up my Master program. The day I started was just like yesterday. I had listened to many people saying Education is a passport to progress in life but I did not really understand this phenomenon until I enrolled for the program in this Institution.
The knowledge I acquired is of such a nature that I cannot compare it to other trainings I have received in the past. The quality of mentorship and learning skills I obtained quantifies Atlantic International University to be ranked among the high institutions that I have had an honor to be part of. Passing at this institution is attained through self-determination and commitment and not through spoon feeding. This type of teaching enables one to be independent and self-reliant. I have learned the importance and developed skills of researching through books, journals, on line webpages, on line libraries to mention but a few.
Having passed through this kind of learning has exposed and equipped me with knowledge and skills that will enable me to face any challenges that may come my way in future. The most interesting part of it is my ability to source for information without being guided and the knowledge and skill obtained are helping to improve in my daily activities. The institution has passed through me in various ways; I have been made to know that Education is not only in learning but to develop ones potential. I have developed myself rationally, rational thinking has added value to me both in communication with the patients and interpersonal relationship with my colleagues at work.
My dream has been to become a researcher but, I could not fulfill it because of lack of knowledge in researching. Having undergone this course will enable me to accomplish that dream. I feel confident in the knowledge and skill imparted upon me and I am assertive that is all that was lacking for me to reach greater heights.
Finally I would like to extend my gratitude to my tutor, advisor and admission counselor for guiding all the way. Without their mentoring I could not have realized my dream.
Thank you.

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