Moses Silupya, Bachelor of Business and Finance

Moses Silupya, Bachelor of Business and Finance

Moses Silupya, Bachelor of Business and Finance
October 10, 2016

My Experience at AIU

Course Title: Life Changer


name is Moses Silupya from Zambia a country from southern Africa I enrolled
with AIU in early 2013 by then I had an option to study with a UK university
who had offered me a 30% scholarship but when I calculated the amount to be
paid on my course it was beyond the period I was seeking to complete my studies
within, hence as I was still checking on the internet I came across AIU it just
crossed my mind and I said let me try and apply and within a week I received an
email response from AIU informing that they were ready to offer me a
scholarship and that there programs can be done within two (2) years depending
on my dedication to my course work, then later in the afternoon Anel Santiago
the admission director called me and
informed me that if I was able to pay registration fees within that week I
would receive a 60% scholarship and I took it up. My motivation to study on
distance learning has been to acquire a qualification with a university that is
globally recognized and my target was an American or a British University and
AIU just answered that need.

2.0 Lecturers and Staff

has the best lecturers that understands how to help any student unlock their
potential and look through any course to be easy and attainable of course the
begins are quite daunting and seem really sophisticated, sometimes you feel
like you are wasting your time as it seems to ‘makes no sense at all’ but with
the lecturer’s magical touch everything starts to fall into perspective and
opens your eyes into a global perspective vision not just the local one. To
tell you the truth I was almost giving up but my one and only mentor Dr. Edward
Lambert picked me up and led me into the journey that has changed my view of
things, today I see the world differently because he made me understand that as
human beings we control everything around us and that our destiny is indeed in
our hands. The finance department is the best in the whole world, the student
service team is such compassionate and inclusive such that they make you feel
at home and important. All my lecturers have been so sweet and extremely
helpful in any query and concern of mine. You see I have no better words to say
in explaining how sweet the AIU team has been helpful to me because you have
changed my life such that I always walk with my head high always wanting to
change the world, “ what you have done is you have changed a Banking and
Finance certificate holder into a defined Business and Finance BA holder with a
global perspective outlook”, and for this I say thank you and please continue
doing the same so that we can change the entire world especially us Africans
because right now people notice the difference between me and my fellow degree
holders from our local universities at my work place.

My Course and Materials

course has helped me understand how an organization is formed and how it
operates and what makes it make profits and losses, how the markets are formed
and how organization can take advantage to be profitable. It has implanted a
sense of heuristic view of things in me, one of them being how financial
markets operate and are formed such that I am now considering writing a
proposal to the central bank on how our financial institutions in our country Zambia
can turn their bad debt burden they have been carrying into profitable
financial vehicles. My course has helped me simplify my understanding of
finance and business into “without us there is no finance and there is no
business”, and this has been due to the right resources provided to me by AIU
library which is sufficiently stocked to teller my owned styled program.

4.0 Conclusion

my conclusion as I earlier alluded to I wish to encourage you to make Africa as
your priority target if really we are to change the world because Africa is
posed to be the next emerging global market due to its untapped natural
resources and your presence will be noticed as a pioneer in transformation of
our knowledge and there is a huge knowledge gap between us and the west.

AIU I say thank you for all this as I embark on a journey to refer more and
more African students to my University.

Atlantic International University

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AIU Success Stories


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Contact Us Today!

We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

Pioneer Plaza
900 Fort Street Mall 905
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)
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