Ayodele Bashorun, Doctor of Finance

Ayodele Bashorun, Doctor of Finance

Ayodele Bashorun, Doctor of Finance
April 3, 2017

To the glory of
Almighty God, it all started as a play but ended a
reality. My quest for higher degree has been on since 2002 after my second
degree in Business Administration (Finance option). My contact with AIU gave me
the platform to fulfilling my ambition by successfully obtaining Ph.D./Doctoral
Degree in Business Administration. The journey with AIU started in June 2014
with Andragogy studies with the University. Having gone through the traditional
method of learning, I found this new method interesting and eagerly longed to
advance in my knowledge.

I resumed
my studies with great enthusiasm, after contacting AIU shortly indicating my
interest to further my study. I met with some Personnel whose services and
responses were quick and very helpful that made the entire process quite easy.
Feedback in all areas were prompt, comments were forthcoming and I felt very
comfortable as I continued striving to achieve my goals and completing my study
within the time scheduled for the programme.

It was really a difficult task to break away from the norms of
relying on the Professor/Lecturer to offer academic solutions to academic problems.
However, series of mail were sent to and from, before and during my study. I
got so many materials explaining what the University expects of her students,
ways to access and send mails and assignments for grading. Reading bulky
information on the web and in soft copy was a herculean task for me and how I
always wondered how my job would allow me to meet the time stipulated for each
assignment at different stage.

In particular, Doctorate
Degree Programme Handbook became my bible for success at AIU. Several calls
were made to and received from my Tutor and Adviser asking and explaining
things at difficult times, this made a lot of sense to me and improved my
self-confidence in my write-up as the programme progresses. It was indeed a
great privilege and honor to see this programme to a close as desired because
my job actually gave me a hot chase in the course of the study.

I thank
all members of AIU team, from my advisor, tutor, Staff of School of Business
and Economics, and to other Administrative Staff of the University. They tremendously
contributed to the success of this study and always assisted in many ways
possible making the journey an easy one. I equally appreciate and thank Student Service Section for their kind
cooperation and prompt replies to queries and constructive criticism.

My warm heartfelt
congratulation goes to all Students of AIU who have successfully completed
their academic works and thesis and have understood better the true meaning of
the “AIU EXPERIENCE”. I wish AIU, a
robust and superb place of leaning with an unprecedented success in all her
future endeavors.

bless Management, Staff and Students of AIU.

bless Atlantic International University.

bless United State of America.


I. A.


Atlantic International University

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AIU Success Stories


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Contact Us Today!

We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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