Bernard Engoku, Bachelor of Public Administration

Bernard Engoku, Bachelor of Public Administration

Bernard Engoku, Bachelor of Public Administration
June 27, 2017

My name is Engoku Bernard Nicholas a student in the
school of Business and Economics pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Public
Administration and Management.

There is so much to include in my experience at AIU
but I will only elaborate some few and very important experiences that I
observed from AIU.

a).Admission and Welcome note: AIU has a unique and
professional staff in admission department who are really friendly and utilizes
their professional skills while attending to students questions. In my case I
was attended to by Mr. Juan Mejia who spoke to me on my first day when I
contacted the University. He professionally explained to me in a short period
of time the brief background of AIU and how students in a third world country
like me have benefited from AIU. The impression that he gave me about the
University made me took a quick decision and joined the University the
following day.

b).Scholarship/payment plans: Iam very grateful to AIU
for having awarded me a scholarship. Without this achievement, I wouldn’t
manage to pay all the school dues.Iam also grateful for the flexibility in the
tuition payment plans which enabled me to freely handle my school dues as well
as meeting the basic family needs being a father of three school going pupils.

c).Resources: I was very impressed when I visited the
student resources. All the information I needed for my studies was readily
available at the student’s resources which made my work very easy and saved me
time and money which I could have used to go to outside library looking for
text books.

d) Communication: One thing I loved from AIU was the
communication lines between students, Advisors and academic department. Every
time I send communication to AIU, I receive the response immediately and all the
work is written in a very understanding manner.

e).Advisors: I appreciate very much the professional
skills of my Advisor Dr.Jack Rosenzweig.Indeed his guidance and advice made me
the kind of person Iam today. I will appropriately utilize the skills that I
acquired from AIU to benefit my country and the Organization that I work for.

f).Interaction with other students: AIU made it very
easy and possible to interact with students from different backgrounds. This
enabled me to create friendships and gained self-confident in my communication
skills and also learnt different cultures and attributes.

g).Curriculum design: AIU gave us the opportunity to
design our curriculum. This enabled me as a student to work on the projects
that directly benefit me and my career development.

Through this achievement, Iam therefore confident of
competing in the job market and will always execute the skills attained from

Long live AIU and may GOD bless the work of your

– Engoku Bernard Nicholas

Atlantic International University

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We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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