Ezekiel Shungu, Bachelor of Marketing

Ezekiel Shungu, Bachelor of Marketing

Ezekiel Shungu, Bachelor of Marketing
August 22, 2017

Time is always ticking away and I really admire every bit of it. At times it passes away as waste, but this was not so with me at AIU. Though geographical distance separated me from meeting my tutors in USA, the internet solved the challenge by bringing us together in Atlantic International University Online classrooms and offices where I could mix and mingle with my tutors and classmates.
It was a fantastic period indeed. I liked the way my tutors could respond to my problems and questions. All was fantastic indeed. I really love it and do not hesitate to encourage all people who are thirsty of uplifting their academic profile and work status to make hay whilst the sun is still shining at AIU.
I discovered that at AIU the sky is the limit to anyone who have the zeal to learn and bread themselves in this oven of Online learning University. The university offers multiple of scholarships which comes as an assisting hand to the less privileged people from less developing countries like mine, Zimbabwe. This makes it very realistic to earn an accredited degree from USA at very minimum cost.
AIU also made it easy for me to learn whilst working and the same time attending to my family needs. This made me to discover that online learning at AIU is very flexible and self-paced.
However, this does not mean that the online learning is very cheap and simple as compared to traditional learning. There were some challenges that I met such as rigorous researches and complex compilation of assignments. At first I had to quit, but thanks to my tutor who stood by my side and encouraged me to continue working hard. I can say thank you my tutor for your undying support. Look today I am now chewing the sweetness of my success because of you.
I can say a lot, but I will not finish all because there is a lot which is nice to testify. Thank you all members at AIU for your overwhelming support you showed me. It cannot be quantified. Let me just give you 100% for a job well done.

Ezekiel Shungu

Atlantic International University

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We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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