Saadi hussain Ali Alkhalidi, Post Doctorate of Criminal Justice

Saadi hussain Ali Alkhalidi, Post Doctorate of Criminal Justice

Saadi hussain Ali Alkhalidi, Post Doctorate of Criminal Justice
June 15, 2018

at AIU

experience at AIU has largely impacted my life both academically and socially.
It has not only changed my life, but it
has contributed to the betterment of the community, nation, and neighboring
countries. My experience at AIU was quite valuable as during my enrollment
process I found the tutors and other staffs of the university supportive and
ready to offer any advice that improved my learning outcomes.

gained immense experience in curriculum design and development as the tutors
responsible were prompt in returning emails and other correspondence. Before
joining AIU, I found it hard to design a curriculum by myself, but through their support, I am now in a position to do so and it is highly
satisfying. The curriculum was able to cover all the subjects that I wished to
study. It also comprised of all the necessary components of a curriculum
including the accredited hours of study of a specific program. As a result, I study
what I want to know and not what others want me to know. On curriculum design,
my tutors laid the information clearly that helped me in managing my study
loads as well as manage my time that suited my study needs. My tutor was
helpful in supporting me in choosing subjects and offering advice and guidance
that gave me a better understanding of the concepts being covered in my course. Also, in the design and development of
curriculum, I gained experience on the evaluation of student’s academic
performance that enabled me to establish the approximated time and academic
accredited hours that the university should grant students when pursuing a
certain degree. Also, at AIU I was empowered to select the courses that i need
to acquire the knowledge and master the objectives as defined in the course. I
was able to select the courses first and later compile the list of the subjects
as course and ensure that the course fulfills the university credit hour

resources at AIU, library to be specific was excellent as it had all the
materials I required for my studies in the university. It also had books that were
helpful as they gave guidelines on how to design curriculums as well as the
process of developing a successive one. I had no problem accessing the facility
as there were procedures outlined clearly
that entailed borrowing and returning of the materials. The process was easy
and efficient even for new students. In addition to available materials, the
library had excellent access to the internet that helped me in doing my
research and assignments.

university gives its student the chance to learn at their own pace as long as
the student completes the assignment within the specified deadline dates to
ensure that the student has enough time of doing the research and give the best
answers for the assignment. Additionally, tutors at AIU were prompt in
releasing of results; the results were released within the normal days, which
encouraged me to embark on the next part of the course as well as work hard to
ensure that I perform better on the next part.

done my course at AIU, I got knowledge about diversity in how people perceive
things and the knowledge of issues. The diversity enabled me to work in the changing
environment that requires me to engage and work with different people from
various cultural, -religious and linguistic backgrounds. Learning at AIU helped
me in developing skills and promoting positive attitude and values in the
application of knowledge learned in class for understanding and career
development. By studying at AIU, I feel that I have now become more confident than
before and I can successfully live in an ever-changing world and fulfill my
ambitions. Furthermore, learning at the AIU has enabled me to develop
non-cognitive skills that have helped me in playing an important role in the
success of my career. The skills have enabled me to link my academic curriculum
and that of the world, which helps me in promoting my university during my
university and career transitions.

I am glad to be part
of the AIU fraternity. I wish to send my sincere thanks to my course advisor
for his unfailing support and advice that
helped me to understand my responsibility as a student and helped me attain my
career goals. The tutor was always there for me to provide relevant and timely
advice concerning my assignments and research. He showed me continued support
throughout the course. I am grateful to the tutor specifically for taking me
through the process of designing and developing curriculum, which was the main part.
I also wish to thank the professors in the faculty for the continued support
and encouragement.

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