Esther Mejia Pineda, Bachelor of Nonprofit Administration

Esther Mejia Pineda, Bachelor of Nonprofit Administration

Esther Mejia Pineda, Bachelor of Nonprofit Administration
March 18, 2019



There are countless of studies, essays, investigations and
experiments with the purpose of defining whether education is being provided
the best way possible in the classrooms around the world.

Some results clearly prove that traditional education as we
know it is `the best bet’ and has been por the past decades. While others
suggest that there is far more out there that students and people are missing
out on because of following these “old-fashioned ways”.

“Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the
acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational
methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed
research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators and
also learners may educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or
informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one
thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.”

Both, the determined traditional education also known as “back – to- basics” education, is the type that follows norms
established by society over the course of the years, as well as, the non-traditional education vary greatly with
geography and time. They are both given
life by millions of methods of teaching and many of them have been questioned
and debated by people far more qualified than me in the subject. That being
used as my disclaimer, I come to you with this piece not to try to establish
which is better or prove that one is, but rather to celebrate the difference
and share my story. I leave it the reader’s choice to form their own opinion
and perhaps allow my experience to contribute to their education.

“But, is she even learning anything?” “How do you know if this is the right
education for her?” Are just a couple examples of hundreds of questions my parents had find an eloquent and
truthful response to through the years. Directors, teachers, family and friends
questioned if my working- class parents had made the right choice in
homeschooling six kids in a developing country like Honduras. I received a bilingual education top five in
the city education that otherwise would have been impossible. Being bilingual
opened many doors for me and my sibling that have contributed to bettering my

Truth be told, I would have never been able to be where I am
at in my education and career if my parents had not chosen a different form of
education for us. I am forever thankful that they chose to obey the voice of
God in this matter, rather than give in to the many inquiries and doubts they
received from the world around them.

As a 21 year-old, now graduating college, I look back and
find that non- traditional education defines my journey through the years in
search of continuing to grow and
becoming a better person. I thank
institutions like American International University who have opened the door
and paved the way to allow different students like me reach bars and achieve
educational goals. AIU has allowed me to be the bearer of a bachelor’s degree that
will continue to open doors to more professional experiences and for that I am
eternally grateful.

AIU’s versatile curriculum allowed me to focus in learning
skills and techniques that help me specifically in my roll as a non-profit
manager. It’s simple yet extended courses prepared me for the working life
challenges I face. The biggest blessing is that I was able to work at my own
pace yet the tutors were always close to help with any questions.I am extremely
satisfied and thankful with American International University for contributing
in my life better.

I would like to conclude this piece by encouraging the reader
to find the best way and most accessible at the moment to continue growing,
learning and experiencing. Never stop because of the circumstances. Never allow
others to dictate how it should be done or what education means. Work hard,
keep going discover that the world can be your classroom too.

Esther Mejia, BMM

Atlantic International University

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