Ibianga Philip Brown, Doctorate of Accounting

Ibianga Philip Brown, Doctorate of Accounting

Ibianga Philip Brown, Doctorate of Accounting
March 9, 2020


It has been my greatest dreams and vision to obtain academic
and professional experience from a reputable institution of the western world.
This is necessary so as to boost my professional capability in my chosen field
of study, the accounting profession.

There are lots of institutions all over the world, with the
purpose of upgrading and impacting knowledge to students who are the human
resources of their families, companies and the nations. It is one thing to
establish and another to successfully accomplish the purpose and objectives of
the institution.

This zeal to succeed propel me to carefully search through all
the available institution that can reasonably provide the much desired
accomplishment and could not find any at the initial circumstance.

The enthusiasm further ignited my rigorous search to fulfill
my dreams and at a point, my persistence revealed the Atlantic International University
with the description of laudable and impeccable programs available in the
institution. Indeed, the university is a citadel of learning and excellence.

The processes, procedures and framework were actually created
to build, mold and impact sustainable knowledge and to develop and improve
human resources, talents and potentials so as to increase the wealth of nations.

The methodology is one that gave me the courage, ability and
capacity to be self-reliant. This stimulated the eagerness to be original, the inspiration is worthy of the resources
engaged for the program and the sense of belonging to an institution that is always ready to offer a blemish and undiluted
academic training that is unattainable in other institutions.

In my field, the accounting I had to compare the experience
obtained to other institutions. Indeed,
the revelation in this institution was overwhelming, the Atlantic International
University gave students the opportunity to provide and implement a consistent
curriculum with adequate supervision of the contents of the program to
maintain, the standard required and expected towards achieving your dreams. But in other contemporary institutions, a
student is subjected to already
established and straight jacketed curriculum that produce a graduate who is not
vast and fully exposed to the realities of the academic and professional world.
The Atlantic International University has really resuscitated and build a
resounding wealth of experience that cannot be obtained elsewhere. As a product
of this great institution, it is my duty to disseminate the acquired academic
and professional excellences to the world and particularly to those who are in
dare need of such a superlative training proffered by this remarkable
institution. Alas! I am an proud to be an ambassador of the institution.


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Contact Us Today!

We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

Pioneer Plaza
900 Fort Street Mall 905
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)
808-947-2488 (Fax)