Award from the Latinamerican Council in Honor of the Quality of Education

Award from the Latinamerican Council in Honor of the Quality of Education

September 9, 2012


 A few days ago- Dr. Jose Mercado had the opportunity to go to San Juan- Puerto Rico and receive 2 major awards on behalf of AIU.


The Latin American Counsel in Honor of the Quality of Education– held its XXI Summit in which educators and institutions from more than 22 countries participated.


The Summit included very important Conferences like the following ones among others:


·     Education for Peace- UNESCO Vision- by Dr. Eduardo Renteria- Vice-president of WFUCA UNESCO

·     Continue Education and its importance to improve the quality of life- by Dr. Yanaira Vasquez- President of University of Puerto Rico in Utuado

·     “Inclusion” on the Curricula of Higher Education institutions- by Dr. Ana Cucurella President of Caribbean University.

·      Education of the XXI Century- by Dr. Edward Moreno- Secretary of Education of Puerto Rico.

·     Genius Code- by Dr. Omar Villalobos- Psychologist and International Speaker.

·     Educating with Values and Transforming People and Institutions- by Dr. Giovanni Ianfrancesco Researcher and expert in Pedagogy.


Is very important to let you know that the Vision of Education for the future of the majority of the speakers included among others the following points:


1.    Personalization of the Learning process.

2.    Increased participation of the Technological component of the methodology of studies

3.    The “Information Era” is over- now it is the start of the “Formation Era”

4.    It is crucial to apply the knowledge earned by the students into the practical field.


All the above points have been the essence of AIU since its conception- and we feel very proud of it. The transformation of Education is crucial now- which includes a more humanistic component- with an emphasis on the benefit for the student in particular.


At the end of the Summit- AIU received the following important awards:


·     Honor Membership by the Latin-American Council

·     International Certification of Quality in Education CIHCE 10020– due to approving the quality standards of the Professional Development of Education in Latin-America.

The Latin-American Council includes very prestigious institutions which are- among others- the following:

·     National Assembly of Presidents of Educational Institutions of Peru

·     Caribbean University

·     National Assembly of Presidents of Educational Institutions of Argentina

·     Columbian Foundation of Science and Technology


·     Department of Education of Puerto Rico

·     Ministry of Education of Uruguay

·     International Polytechnic University of Spain


We are very proud of this significant achievement.

We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

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