AIU wants to congratulate one of our graduates- Rowan Van Dyk for his recent success.
Rowan published a book titled: “Why Great Leaders Are Catalysts-” and it is available on Amazon. You can find it on the following link:
An overview of his work can be found below:
“Want to change the way you lead? Are you really a leader or are just administrating and controlling? Be honest with yourself and find out the truth behind the Leadership Formula.
As Christians- you will find how to lead others and find the original message that Jesus founded the faith of Christianity on.”
Rowan Van Dyk has completed a Doctorate program in Business Administration at Atlantic International University. We are very proud of his achievements- and we hope that he continues with this success- that is a byproduct of the effort and dedication that he has always shown.
Congratulations in behalf of your University- AIU.