AIU graduate sensitized 500 Youth on MONUSCO’s mandate and their role in supporting peace and security in the Great lakes Region (Goma)…

AIU graduate sensitized 500 Youth on MONUSCO’s mandate and their role in supporting peace and security in the Great lakes Region (Goma)…

June 18, 2019


On 11 April- CA agent (Mr Patrick Girukwayo- a student of AIU in PHD) conducted a sensitization to 500 Youth (selected from various background including 260 girls) gathered at Mont Carmel for the “Journee Inter-diocesaine de Jeunes” in Goma. The session was held in the framework of encouraging Youth to support peace and security in the region. To recall- this meeting gathered youth from DRC- Rwanda and Burundi in the context when MONUSCO has provided a logistical support (tents- generators- office material- water- …) to the event. During the session- CA explained:

  • MONUSCO’s role in supporting state authority and peaceful cohabitation among communities in Nord Kivu;

  • The role of Youth in creating a positive and peaceful climate through collaboration;

  • The role of Youth in identifying key security and causes of tensions (ethnic and political) and timely alert for preventive responses;

  • The role of youth to support the 1500 youth leaders through the 18 Youth committees of GOAM who were created in 2018 by CA and the Ministry of Interior;

  • The culture of good communicating with local actors in denouncing every cause of destabilization;

  • And how youth should avoid political manipulation that might to fuel ethnic and community violence. In a lively interactive and participative discussion- youth asked several questions on:

  • How they can participate in strengthening social cohesion in their areas;

  • Enhance of young girls’ leadership in supporting peace and security- etc. Participants recommended MONUSCO to organize sessions of Leadership to key authorities and encourage them to include Youth in State services and local development priorities to reduce Youth delinquency.


Patrick Girukwayo has completed a Doctorate program in Leadership & Strategic Planning at Atlantic International University.

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