Congratulations to our graduate from one of her most recent accomplishments. Our graduate- Jemima Lomotey- has published a book based on her AIU curriculum titled- “Counseling Psychology: Origin- Development- and Challenges” in the online bookshop MoreBooks! You can read a part of the Abstract of his article below:
Counseling is of American origin. The term was coined by Rogers- who was not allowed to call his work psychotherapy because he had no medical qualification. Counseling psychology started in the United States of America following World War II. The Veterans Administration came up with an area of expertise called “counseling psychology” in the 1940s and 1950s to satisfy a deep-seated need for vocational training and placement by the U.S. military during the war. However- “in recent decades- counseling psychology as a profession has expanded and is now represented in numerous countries around the world.” This book attempts to trace the roots of counseling- the various developmental stages- and the current state in our society. Counseling has come a long way and it is practiced in various endeavors today.
You can find her published book on the following link:
Jemima Lomotey has completed a Post-Doctorate of Science program in Psychology at Atlantic International University.
We wish you the best on all your future projects and we congratulate you for all of your achievements!