AIU graduate will have a Zoom presentation on the New Counselling Approach, Free for AIU alumni, students and staff…

AIU graduate will have a Zoom presentation on the New Counselling Approach, Free for AIU alumni, students and staff…

November 23, 2020


Dr. Sivarajasingam Mahendran innovated a new counselling
therapy which he published in the International Journal of Research and
Analytical Reviews (IJAR) and is happy to share with our graduates at AIU, for
anyone in the counselling or psychology fields. He will be having a Zoom
presentation on the new counselling therapy approach on 11/29/2020 – 11/30/2020
for an hour from 8pm to 9pm (Singapore time). It will be free of cost for AIU
alumni and staff. (Others pay a $25 fee). If you are interested, you can email
Dr. Siva at (
[email protected]) as
soon as possible, he will be sending the link latest by 11/25/2020. You have to
send him an email and let him know whether you are an AIU alumni member or
staff member along with year of graduation. An E-Certificate of Attendance will
be given to all who attend the Zoom presentation.

Dr Siva Mahendran is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Poetic Therapy Zoom Meeting

Time: Nov 29, 2020 08:00 PM Singapore

Join Zoom Meeting

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Below you can find a summary of his publication along
with the link to his published paper.

Publication Summary:

Counselling psychology has seen a growth of many
approaches over the years to cater to and treat problems encountered by people
seeking psychological help. Over the years the science of counselling has taken
on an artistic approach too in its humanistic and experiential modes and
counsellors are spoilt for choice to use a variety of ways to counsel their
clients over a few or prolonged sessions till closure is reached. Some
counselling approaches like Gestalt, Choice and Schema therapies go straight to
the problems presented but others like Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Behaviour
Therapy take a rather stage by stage approach to address counselees’ problems
over time. Time has become a main concern for all parties concerned even though
counselling cannot and should not be done with a quick-fix mindset, as some
authorities expect, for best practices.

You can find his published paper on the following link:

Dr. Sivarajasingam Mahendran has completed a Doctorate program in Education at Atlantic
International University.

We wish you the best in all your future projects and congratulate you on your


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