Admisiones Internacionales de pregrado

Admisiones Internacionales de pregrado

Admisiones Internacionales de pregrado

The University of the Future is an institution that frees its students to discover their passion in life and find their purpose while contributing to solving the world’s problems sustainably and respecting human rights. Such a university recognizes the strength that is found in bringing to light and championing what makes each university participant Unique and Unrepeatable. Energized and inspired by finding their true purpose (dharma), academic progress becomes effortless and flows naturally from the individual to the creation and manifestation of their vision and goals.

In inspiring students to achieve their optimal self we ask them to take the AIU pledge of giving back to their families, community, country, and the world. To consider what they wish their legacy to be and their purpose in life. One option is to integrate the 17 UNESCO 2030 goals into their work and projects, seeking out synergies that will help them and also work towards or contribute towards those goals.AIU ofrece oportunidades educativas en los EE. UU. a adultos de todo el mundo para que puedan progresar utilizando su propio potencial para gestionar su desarrollo cultural personal y global. Esto se logra a través de la evaluación de sus credenciales hacia una licenciatura, una maestría y/o un doctorado, aunado a su capacidad de desempeño sostenible basado en resultados. El eje fundacional de tal filosofía radica en el conocimiento y la información actualizada, sin lugar a la obsolescencia, que se inserta en un SISTEMA DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA basado en la ANDRAGOGÍA y la OMNIOLOGÍA.

El objetivo final de este paradigma es empoderar a los estudiantes y ayudarlos a aprovechar la enorme variedad de recursos del entorno mundial para eliminar la continuidad actual de pobreza y limitaciones. Para ello, según las circunstancias, los alumnos son capaces de convertir su pasado en un módulo de crecimiento autopropulsado y en constante movimiento, alejándose de los acreditados sistemas tradicionales que fomentan las limitaciones y la caducidad.

La idiosincrasia de cada estudiante, que es independiente en AIU, se convertirá en la guía de su realidad de estudio, tendiendo como bandera el respeto y la práctica de los derechos humanos y comunitarios a través de experiencias, investigaciones, prácticas y/o exámenes. Todo esto transcurre en un escenario que fomenta la diversidad, con más de 16 millones de textos completos, 34.000 libros y cerca de 108 millones de referencias bibliográficas en más de 400 idiomas; mientras que asesores y consultores con doctorados y especializaciones en Desarrollo Humano monitorean los procesos de aprendizaje; además de una red mundial de colegas y asociaciones en diferentes áreas académicas; para que puedan alcanzar juntos la satisfacción y el progreso de la humanidad con paz y armonía.

Acerca de las admisiones internacionales de posgrado
Estamos felices de que haya decidido buscar alcanzar sus estudios de educación superior con AIU. 
Por favor, rellene este formulario, para que pueda conocer todo sobre nosotros.

Decida su programa Internacional de Posgrado en AIU
Consejeros Académicos

Atlantic International University está orgullosa de sus asesores académicos. Sus calificaciones y experiencia nos permiten afirmar que su programa será evaluado por reconocidos especialistas en la disciplina, con amplia experiencia académica. La responsabilidad del asesor es guiar al estudiante a través de los pasos clave del programa académico. A continuación se incluye una lista parcial de los asesores actuales.


Orgullosos de nuestros estudiantes internacionales

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Requisitos de admisión para graduados internacionales de AIU

Las Admisiones de Graduados Internacionales de AIU dependen de sus estudios previos o experiencia laboral:

Programa de Certificado:

Programas de asociados:

Diploma de escuela secundaria o su equivalente más 1 año de experiencia de campo/vida.*

Diploma de escuela secundaria o su equivalente más 1 año de experiencia de campo/vida.*

Programas de grado de nivel de licenciatura:

Programas de grado de maestría:

Diploma de escuela secundaria o su equivalente más 2 años de experiencia de campo/vida.*

Licenciatura más 3 años de experiencia de campo/vida.*

Programas de grado de nivel de doctorado:

Programas de grado de nivel de posdoctorado:

Maestría más 5 años de experiencia de campo/vida.*

Doctorado más 5 años de experiencia de campo/vida.*

*Los requisitos de experiencia de campo/vida deben estar en el programa de grado designado o en un campo estrechamente relacionado

¿Qué necesito para aplicar?

Procedimientos de Admisión

Complete el formulario de solicitud de estudiante haciendo clic en el enlace Solicitar en línea en este sitio web.

Envíe el currículum vitae (currículum vitae) a través del formulario de solicitud en línea o por fax al: 1-808-947-2488.

Comuníquese con la Oficina de Admisiones al: 1-800-993-0066 (en los EE. UU.) o 1-808-924-9567 (internacional). Para confirmar la recepción de sus documentos


The Virtual Campus integrates the community at Atlantic International University with more than 25 unique tools to ensure the development, growth, motivation and inspiration to reach each student’s full potential. While we develop students to become a University of One, students are not isolated. They are part of a community brought together via technologies and collaborative tools such as MYAIU, AIULink, AIUTV, Curriculum Builder Tool, Merlin Media Center, CampusAPP, Live and archived Webinars, Virtual Conferences, Live Chats, Virtual Laboratories, the Language Center and a support system of Tutors, Academic Advisors, staff and fellow AIU Alumni. For example, on AIULink, our “on campus” social media platform, one can connect with AIU colleagues based on their location, major, research areas, industry, skills, place of work etc. Access over 105,000 AIU created academic contents on Merlin Media Center. Access your University program and resources on the go on the AIU Campus APP available in Android and iOS. Share your unique story with others and learn the 13 elements beyond academics that contribute to the improvement of the human condition and personal growth. These and other tools and resources enhance the student experience and make the AIU distance learning university program into one of the best university degree programs for professionals.

The AIU Virtual Campus and its embedded Technologies facilitate student advancement and form the first of four pillars supporting the institutional manifest. The Academic Department and student support team members who guide, motivate and mentor students provide the second. The third pillar is the innovative structure of the program, in particular Phase 1 and 2 which transforms students into a University of One during the first 3 months of the academic journey. Here, students take a leading role in the determination of the content of the program because it will increase deep learning, emotional involvement and a real desire to learn. The clear definition of their personal and professional aspirations during the start of the program is vital so that their educational journey can become a bridge to those aspirations. There is an ongoing de-emphasis of the need for a degree to prosper and advance professionally; instead skills, abilities and practical knowledge are gaining greater value and Phase 1 & 2 of the AIU degree program address these tendencies through an open curriculum design that is unique to each student. Finally, the fourth pillar is a commitment to human rights and to contribute positively to society which is the purpose of the AIU Pledge. There is a need to have inspired motivated students that contribute to society and to solve its many challenges. Little emphasis is given to this in a traditional curriculum as there is no place for it or overarching link between courses. AIU’s innovative academic programs seek to provide the conditions in which its students can fill that need.

Over the past 40 years an accelerating trend towards the democratization of knowledge, omniology, open learning, personalization of the curriculum as a part of andragogy has persisted.  In 1979 a group of educators, business men, and human resource professionals witnessing the lack of hands-on relevant experience in their employees formulated the vision to fill this void in adult education. Through andragogy they created a university that allows the student to develop the skills they need, not an obsolete curriculum that is imposed. 

Since its incorporation in 1998 Atlantic International University has pioneered an innovative and disruptive yet sustainable approach to higher education programs, recognizing that: education is a human right, each student is unique and unrepeatable as should be their academic journey, technology and innovation are key for a sustainable model of higher education, and that individuals seek empowerment, happiness, fulfillment, and purpose yet in general lack a mechanism to pursue it.

Today, AIU has more than ten thousand alumni from over one-hundred eighty countries making it one of the most diverse networks of international alumni. Notable alumni range from two presidents to university directors to UN representatives to senior executives in the private & public sectors as well as fortune 500 companies. The university’s educational philosophy and methods have received international recognition and earned it Premier status with ASIC, an international accrediting agency that evaluates hundreds of universities and educational institutions worldwide. AIU’s various partnerships and academic collaborations have helped transform educational methodologies at other colleges and universities. By bringing innovation, technology and modernizing the educational methodology delivered to adult students we are helping to transform higher education beyond our own institution. AIU’s goal remains focused on creating innovative thinkers through andragogy, who uphold human rights and sustainable development initiatives to create a world full of life, opportunities and wealth in all aspects of our lives. All of AIU’s Directors, Staff and Academic Advisors are devoted to their student’s exponential growth through AIU to create a life full of abundance for themselves, their families, communities, country and the world.

The Virtual Campus integrates the community at Atlantic International University with more than 25 unique tools to ensure the development, growth, motivation and inspiration to reach each student’s full potential. While we develop students to become a University of One, students are not isolated. They are part of a community brought together via technologies and collaborative tools such as MYAIU, AIULink, AIUTV, Curriculum Builder Tool, Merlin Media Center, CampusAPP, Live and archived Webinars, Virtual Conferences, Live Chats, Virtual Laboratories, the Language Center and a support system of Tutors, Academic Advisors, staff and fellow AIU Alumni. For example, on AIULink, our “on campus” social media platform, one can connect with AIU colleagues based on their location, major, research areas, industry, skills, place of work etc. Access over 105,000 AIU created academic contents on Merlin Media Center. Access your University program and resources on the go on the AIU Campus APP available in Android and iOS. Share your unique story with others and learn the 13 elements beyond academics that contribute to the improvement of the human condition and personal growth. These and other tools and resources enhance the student experience and make the AIU distance learning university program into one of the best university degree programs for professionals.

What is a Bachelor’s Degree Program?

Our online bachelor’s degree programs give students the tools and the confidence to carry out their self-education. As with all of our programs, AIU allows students to custom tailor their degrees to their needs and specifications. Our bachelor’s degree program is a self-instruction program that students help create with their academic advisors. 


To fulfill the needs of the bachelor’s degree program at AIU specifically, students must perform research, investigate courses from at least two approved AIU colleges, and select courses that will comprise the required course load to graduate with their bachelor’s degree online from AIU.


Furthermore, AIU and the online bachelor’s degree program offer a specific formative level of integration of knowledge from previous understanding and current research that the student will perform. This truly is a foundational but extensive program to allow mastery of specific subject matter for professional purposes.


Currently, AIU offers online bachelor’s degrees in the arts, business administration, and science. Students can choose what specific subject they desire and proceed with completing the requirements of their chosen area of study.

What is a Bachelor’s Degree Program?

Our online bachelor’s degree programs give students the tools and the confidence to carry out their self-education. As with all of our programs, AIU allows students to custom tailor their degrees to their needs and specifications. Our bachelor’s degree program is a self-instruction program that students help create with their academic advisors. 


To fulfill the needs of the bachelor’s degree program at AIU specifically, students must perform research, investigate courses from at least two approved AIU colleges, and select courses that will comprise the required course load to graduate with their bachelor’s degree online from AIU.


Furthermore, AIU and the online bachelor’s degree program offer a specific formative level of integration of knowledge from previous understanding and current research that the student will perform. This truly is a foundational but extensive program to allow mastery of specific subject matter for professional purposes.


Currently, AIU offers online bachelor’s degrees in the arts, business administration, and science. Students can choose what specific subject they desire and proceed with completing the requirements of their chosen area of study.


Albert Einstein

El crecimiento intelectual debe comenzar con el nacimiento y cesar sólo con la muerte.

Mahatma Gandhi

Hay dos días en el año que no podemos hacer nada, ayer y mañana
Everything we know about Elon Musk's brain chip

Elon Musk

Las escuelas tradicionales son inútiles porque no enseñan cómo resolver problemas y se centran sólo en enseñar acerca de las herramientas necesarias para resolver un problema.


Un viaje de mil millas comienza con un solo paso

Cicero Roman

Los consejos se juzgan por los resultados, no por las intenciones.


Ser no significa aceptar lo que uno es, significa crear otro yo que no existe


Nuestra mayor gloria no está en nunca fallar, sino en levantarnos cada vez que lo hacemos.

¡Contáctenos hoy!​

Entendemos cómo los adultos ocupados no tienen tiempo para volver a la escuela. Ahora, es posible obtener su título en la comodidad de su hogar y aún tener tiempo para usted y su familia. La oficina de admisiones está aquí para ayudarlo, para obtener información adicional o para ver si califica para la admisión, contáctenos. Si está listo para postularse, envíe su Solicitud en línea y pegue su currículum y cualquier comentario/pregunta adicional en el área proporcionada.

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